Literacy Bundles Explained

In February 2021 People’s Meeples (who used to run Autism Friendly nights in our shop when before Covid) partnered with us to give away literacy boxes to families who would benefit most from them.

The games were chosen specifically to help with develop a particular aspect of reading comprehension, and it was inspired by work that Peter (who is on the committee for People’s Meeples and co-owns Gamers@Hart) had completed while researching the REACH Primary reading intervention.

Every family was invited to a zoom ‘how to play’ evening, where we explained a little about the games, answered questions, and taught people the rules (and provided hints and tips on how to make the games shorter or less complex, if required). The videos below are summaries of those evenings.

So far we’ve given out 70 boxes, but we’d love to do more. It isn’t too late to support this project! You can donate here, or even get hold of one for your own family. If you’re from a school, charity, local authority or MAT and would like to know how to partner with us, please enquire at